Little ray of sunshine sings ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’

Claire Crosby is a talented singing 8-year-old. Here she warms our hearts with a cover of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.

Children are often a ray of sunshine when the storm clouds of life move in, and none more so than little Claire Crosby as she performs “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.

Welcoming us to her video, the adorable 8-year-old, from Washington, tells us that, because it’s a little bit rainy today, she thought she’d sing us a song about rainbows.



Strumming softly on her ukelele, Claire’s demeanor then transforms into that of an accomplished musician, controlling her voice with ease and singing with genuine sincerity for us.

Claire is already an internet sensation with her Youtube videos bringing in enormous numbers of views, regularly hitting the millions. Not only that but she has appeared on Ellen and The Voice.

With this moving cover, Claire helps us keep the spirit of hope alive in troubling times. With talent like this, Claire’s future is guaranteed to be full of sunshine and rainbows.

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