this video will make you smile ..Baby Micah Laughing Hysterically at Daddy’s Burp Noises

Parents are the adults who, for a little person, encompass the entire universe, the model of the cosmos. In the early years, a child is isolated from much of the experience, but most of their being is learned from this very “model.”
Such forced isolation lasts for years in a child. And you probably realize that in early childhood, one year is a whole lifetime.

Imagine that until the age of five or seven, a child lives in a special universe where gods and the wisest, fairest beings are their parents.



There is nothing more around the little person. So, if a child grows up with the belief “This world is unfair,” it’s necessary to consider their early childhood experience—perhaps the parents were unfair to this person when they were a child.

This situation is common, hence the prevalent thought among weary adults that “The whole world is a swamp.” It’s not surprising that the rest of life often seems so.

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