This little girl surprised everyone with her wonderful dance, it’s really amazing

many people were generally unaware of the existence of Irish dancing. The incredible success of the “Riverdance” ensemble literally breathed new life into this art form.

After all, it’s not just about the dances. More often than not, there is a special meaning, costumes, and decorations in the performance, connected to mythology or ancient stories.



And it’s not surprising that such dances became so popular far beyond Ireland. It seems that today in every corner of the world, there are dance schools where anyone interested can learn this art.

Especially since it looks very beautiful when performed by women, men, and even little children. Moreover, for the younger generation, such dances can be particularly beneficial. They help to move constantly, provide the necessary load on all muscle groups.

Furthermore, children will definitely spend less time sitting in front of the TV, all while getting acquainted with art and ancient traditions.

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