Young Singer Hits Every Note That Most Stars Can Only Dream Of Singing

One of the most incredible perks of the internet and accompanying social media is the fact that one can share their talents with the world, as well as admire people who have the same vision and goals as you do.

It’s also extremely uplifting to find new people and ideas that inspire or make you feel good about yourself. Which is why singer Dinmukhamed Kanatuly Kudaibergen (or ‘Dimash’ for short), from Kazakhstan, has been causing huge waves in the realm of the music industry—his talent seemingly has no bounds.

He was first spotted in January on China’s “Singer 2017″ reality talent competition and made it through five rounds before coming in second in the finale. Since, he’s been taking up space in the spotlight all over the world, especially in Asia.



In fact, he managed to win the “Most Popular Asia Singer” in a Chinese music award competition. His achievement doesn’t come as much surprise since not only can he reach all sorts of high notes but also, it seems as though women worldwide are absolutely swooning at his charm and good looks.

His choice of songs are rather eclectic, ranging from world and electronic to folk and pop, and he changes things up even more by singing in all three of his fluently-spoken languages—French, Kazakh and Russian. What an absolutely talented young man he is, and he’s only 23 years old! A very big round of applause goes to Dimash, and we hope to see much more of him in the future!

Give the stunning video below a watch, and if it has inspired you in some way, don’t forget to like and share it with your family and friends.

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