11-Year-Old Must’ve Made Deal With the Devil. Her Banjo Mastery Left Me Flabbergasted!

Meet Willow, The Bluegrass Banjo Songstress
Mastering an instrument is a difficult thing. The keys, notes, pitches, and ranges can vary so much, many will play their whole life without mastering…

There have been many innovators when it comes to guitar. Hendrix, Page, Berry, Vaughn- all did things we hadn’t heard before on the guitar. Each instrument has its own list of recognized and unsung heroes. Yet, the banjo? That’s a different story entirely…

Willow Banjo PlayerThe banjo has many different forms, from tenor to 5 string and everything in-between. I believe this little lady is using a 4-string banjo and lord have mercy can this little firecracker play!



Willow has been complimented numerous times on her playing, especially considering her age. She seems to have more than a knack for it, it seems she was destined to play this instrument from the day she was born. When I first realized her age, I couldn’t get over it. (clearly, I still can’t.)

Musical instruments are a great way to deter your children away from bad and less productive habits later in life. With a musical instrument, it creates a whole other level of depth to their personality. It teaches them to be patient, that hard work will pay off, you just must keep at it. Practice the fundamentals until it becomes muscle memory.

All the things necessary, all those unrefined edges from those who are self-taught or decided to learn from a friend, really stick out in the best possible way. If you don’t think so, why not look at her play, then we can talk. Because I’ll tell you what, this girl has got some major talent!

Willow is aces in my book. Talk about talent. I’ve never seen anything like it at her age the way she is playing and tuning on the fly. All those many days of practice and dedication have paid off and she is a star.

We’d love to hear from you! Please watch her video below and leave a “like” for Willow on Facebook, and share her video with a friend or family member to brighten up their day.

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