Tiny Girl Can’t Read Her Own Sign and Doesn’t Know Dad is Sneaking Up Behind Her

Having a deployed family member can be very tough. You have to stay away from the person you love for the longest time even when you don’t want to.

Those who serve their country despite having families surely have a lot more responsibilities and dreams than one might think. Whatsoever, they fulfill their duties in every way and every place possible. A deployed soldier decided to fulfill his duty as a good father when he returned home from service.



This soldier planned to have his little girl hold a sign that says he is returning. However, she does not know how to read. The father sneaks in from the back and gives the little girl the best surprise ever. She couldn’t hold in her excitement when she sees her daddy dearest.

This video will melt your heart. Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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