16-Year-Old Sings Elvis’ “Blue Christmas” And He Sounds Like The King Himself

Raise your hand if you’re an Elvis fan—you can’t see me, but I have my hand as high as is humanly possible. It’s safe to say that no one will be able to compare to Elvis when it comes to the music, the feel that he put into each one of his songs/performances, and just the charm that he always exuded.

No one can be Elvis, but perhaps someone can come close to his style of singing, and perhaps even his voice? The video below introduces the world to David Thibault, a 16-year-old young man who sings the renowned singer’s “Blue Christmas” with a striking resemblance to his voice.



In the video, David is at a French-Canadian radio station performing his rendition of the song to thousands of listeners—perhaps they all would agree when we say that this boy seems to be the reincarnation of the popular singer. If you look closely, he even has a hint of the star’s features and the face structure does match as well.

I don’t think I have met or even heard of someone who has come so close to resembling Elvis’ style and way of singing like David has seemed to master, and that too at such a young age!

Do you know anyone who’s able to sing like Elvis, or even another renowned artist almost perfectly to the T? We would love to hear about them in the comments below!

In the meantime, watch David perform “Blue Christmas” below and don’t forget to like and share this video with all the Elvis fans, as well as anyone else who really just enjoys good music!

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