Judge Freaks Out When He Hears Little Girls’ Angelic Voice Belt Out “Ave Maria”

As the weather gets cooler, and you want to stick around indoors and cuddle on the couch with a good book or a great TV show, you know what I would always recommend: a thriller novel, or a Got Talent TV show! I’m always in the mood for a talent show and these days they come in abundance on TV, yay!

I love to watch various talents come on stage and bring their dreams to fruition — there are so many opportunities for the young talent, and you never know when who will get a chance and lucky deal! My special favorites are the singing performances!

A beautiful melody paired with an incredible voice, together, has the power to bring anyone to their knees – or make a judge react so strongly, he jumps onto the judge’s table clapping like an excited seal. Amira Willighagen, only 9-years-old, has made her way into the hearts of the audience and judges on Holland’s Got Talent. Don’t let her height and frame fool you, this girl’s robust singing voice is mature far beyond her years.



Amira is standing on a pedestal, dressed angelically with a crown of flowers in her hair. Shafts of light emerge from the ceiling, setting her up for a heavenly performance.

What’s truly incredible about Amira’s version of the classic “Ave Maria” is how emotionally charged she makes it. She digs deep, stirring her own emotion (arguably, the emotions of an old soul – this girl goes way deeper than her nine years!) and filtering it to release a beautiful piece of music.

The crowd’s eyes are glued to Amira throughout her song, and when she reaches the end, she gets bombarded with boisterous applause, and a little boy who comes running up to give her flowers. They exchange a sweet embrace, and we learn that the boy is her proud brother who wants to stay up on stage with her.

Amira receives raving reviews from the judges, already bigs fans of her talent – as seen by the “standing” ovation on the judge’s table.

Click below to see Amira’s stunning performance. This is one you don’t want to miss.

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