Baby Girl Gets Bear From Deployed Daddy, Flips Out When She Squeezes Its Hand

On the web, we found a wonderful video clip that undoubtedly deserves your view. In it you can see a little girl named Pia, who has a special gift in her hands – a plush bear, given to her by her father.

The plush bear, however, is not just another plush bear, as it hides the innovative surprise that the father prepared for his little daughter.

When her father Drew learned that he was to be deployed to the other end of the world for eight long months, he immediately knew what to prepare for his daughter. He bought a plush bear and then processed it by inserting his voice into it.



He handed the bear to his wife, then told her that Pia can only get it after a month.

Time was running fast, and after one month, the mother gave her daughter a gift from Drew. She quickly pressed on the bear’s hand, and the voice of her father was heard from it: “Hi, P., I love you. I’ll see you soon!”

When you see her response, your face will be covered with a sincere smile. This is without a doubt proof that little Pia is a daddy’s little girl!

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