Luke Bryan Invites Little Girl on Stage. Then She Steal the Show

Luke Bryan’s name might have been the headline of the show, but an adorable 6-year-old girl with red pigtails stole the spotlight.

Bryan was performing in New Jersey in front of thousands of fans when he invited a cute little girl name Kylee onstage to sing with him. Dressed in an adorable cowgirl outfit complete with hat, boots, and a plaid shirt, this little girl began to serenade Bryan while singing “Someone Else Calling You Baby.” She melted everyone in the audience’s heart!



Kylee not only sang, but she also danced, fist-pumped, and showed a lot of charisma for a 6-year-old. At the conclusion of the song, Bryan rallied the crowd to give Kylee a standing ovation.

I am sure this is one unforgettable experience for this little girl, her family, and Luke Bryan.

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