Little Girl Gets Told She’s Finally Adopted With A “Princess” Ceremony

There are moments in life that are simply unforgettable. Having a beautiful birthday party, meeting the love of your life, starting your dream job – these are all things that will bring a smile to your face at any given time. For one little girl, however, one specific day is, and will always be, remembered very fondly. That day is June 8th, 2016.

She experienced feelings of happiness, elation, and excitement and knew that this was going to be a moment that she would always treasure. And even though she knew that it would be a special day, she didn’t know that the entire courtroom had come together in order to make the day even more special. How did they do this? By taking something Danielle absolutely loved and including it on the very special day in a big way.



It was a big surprise for the guest of honor, Danielle. She had no idea what to expect as guests slowly made their way into the courtroom. But these guests are different. Instead of normal-looking people wearing street clothes, these were princesses, decked out in princess outfits, from head to toe. Notice how Danielle is wearing a princess outfit too! Now they all match! The little girl was in awe as she noticed that each and every person showed up not only looking like a princess, but they were all there for her. After all, this is a very big day. Danielle has got a brand new family that loves her, and everyone wanted to show her just that.

The room saw the likes of Snow White, Elsa, Sleeping Beauty and more. In this way, Danielle’s magical princess outfit allowed her to fit right in with the entire group of guests. If you ask me, that’s a pretty good chunk of princesses to show up!

Danielle’s new mom, Sarah Koning, said in an interview, “I think it’s really important to make that adoption day special for every kid in whatever capacity you can. It really helps them to feel permanency and know that they’re not going anywhere now. It’s really important for kids to feel that security.” Needless to say, this adoption day, made extra special with princesses and love, is a day Danielle will never forget.

If you’ve loved this amazing video, share it with your family and friends – it’s a really sweet one!

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