Andrea Bocelli’s kids steal hearts singing Christmas song in Italian

“The Most Special Day” of the year happens on December 25 when families gather together to celebrate Christmas.

So how fitting is it that a father sings with his kids and shares it with the world?

This is one talented family though so it works.

It’s almost like the Bocelli family were doused with an extra dosage of talent during their creation.
Not fair, we agree, but we’ve all got our own talents.



The family worked together and released their first album together called “A Family Christmas“.
“We are offering our small, intimate, and heartfelt gift to anyone who wishes to enjoy the soundtrack of Christmas in the Bocelli home.” the Bocelli family says.

This track by Andre, Matteo and Virginia is called “Il Giorno Più Speciale”, and is the 12th track on the album.

It’s surely worth the purchase as you can play it every December for years and years to come.

And the music video is pretty straightforward, with dad Andrea sitting in front of a piano with his kids standing by him.

Lights! Lots of Christmas lights!

Now the lyrics are in Italian, but this talented family is saying,
How many colored windows
Quante finestre colorate

The illuminated streets are white
Bianche le strade illuminate

There is something in the air
C’è qualcosa nell’aria

Special that changes you
Di speciale che ti cambia

And it rekindles your heart
E ti riaccende il cuore
In every part of the world
In ogni parte del mondo



Every tongue every face
Ogni lingua ogni volto

No words needed
Non servono parole

To explain what it is
Per spiegare cos’è
To feel its meaning and warmth
Per sentirne il senso e il calore
Of distant notes
Delle note lontane

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