Toddler Takes Hot Seat In Delightful Interview After Twin Siblings Born—It’s Hilariously Cute

Welcome to the complicated life of a 1-year-old – busy schedules, mood swings, mixed emotions, fluctuating stress levels and oh-so-much more. Just in case you needed a real-life example of what happens when you’re on such a tight timeline and how tough life can really be, we’re sharing a little special someone with you. Meet Julianna, a one-year-old who’s almost tired of her daily routine, and almost seems overwhelmed with some new additions to her family; she opens up about her home life and how she’s adjusting to new family changes, in a candid interview with YouTuber Sean Cannell.

This super cute interview discusses Julianna’s changing home life – mom and dad just brought home twin sisters, Miya and Keira. Sean opens the conversation by establishing his concern for his friend Julianna who is feeling some of the downsides of no longer being an only child; there’s less attention, more sharing, and the overall getting used to having two more tiny humans around! Remember the good old days when it used to be just you, mom, and dad?

Sean sits down with Julianna to get a better look to see how she’s coping and get “the real story from her perspective.” After all, being big sis comes with a whole new set of responsibilities.




The popular YouTuber writes the interview to poke fun at being serious, but with a cutie like Julianna, the whole set up is just adorable. It’s cuteness overload, as he methodically asks her some revealing questions. She can’t fully answer yet (although she’s pretty good at expressing herself for a 17-month-old), so interpreting what she’s trying to convey through her actions and muffled words end up being highly entertaining with the imposed subtitles.

Catch Julianna divulging her ideal home situation, how she thinks Mommy and Daddy made the twins, and what her art therapy results say about herself in this creatively packaged interview. This girl is a sweetie pie!

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