Mom Catches Toddler Reciting Cutest Positive Affirmations On His Way To School.

One of the toughest parts about raising children is teaching them to replace negative thoughts they may have about themselves and the world with positive ones.

There have been plenty of studies, books, and TED Talks about the power of positive thinking, but it’s no easy practice for even adults to master. That’s why Alissa of New York City has made it a priority to teach her 3-year-old son Ayaan to show himself love and respect each and every day.



So on his second birthday, Alissa taught her son a mantra of sorts – a short series of positive affirmations he can use as a motivational tool throughout his life. Although he was too young to say so at the time, apparently the lesson stuck in his little brain. But Alissa had no idea until they happened to be walking down the city sidewalk to school one day.

“Out of nowhere he started repeating it, so I pulled out my phone,” the surprised mom wrote on Instagram. “He ended (with enthusiasm lol) once we made it to our destination.”

In the video, we see Ayaan walking down the street with his adorable little hat and backpack. As he walks, he recites the phrases his mom taught him: “I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything!”


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Alissa was absolutely thrilled. “So proud of the little boy he is growing into,” she said.

Since she shared the video online, it has received thousands of likes, shares, and comments. “This brought tears to my eyes,” one person wrote on Instagram. “This is amazing!” another added. “What a wonderful mother!”

People everywhere are finding inspiration in this little boy’s words! We should all memorize this short but powerful set of affirmations and use them whenever we need a little extra encouragement. After all, those words are true of everyone!

Watch Ayaan recite his sweet mantra in the video below, and don’t forget to share.

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