Little Girl’s Take on Her Dad’s Teeth Will Have You Laughing

A cute little girl’s honest and unexpected take on her father’s teeth will have you laughing.

Children are one of life’s greatest blessings. They bring so much joy, love and happiness, making for a fuller and richer life experience. There is nothing like being a parent and watching your child grow, learn and explore the world.

In addition to watching children grow up and learn new things, they are usually good for a laugh or two every day. Children have a unique perspective on everything because they are so young and still learning. Part of that perspective involves honesty, brutal honesty.

Children are the most honest individuals you will ever encounter. Want to really know how you look in an outfit or how something you made tastes? Ask a child for their opinion, but prepare for what happens next. Children will tell you exactly what they think!

A clip posted on social media perfectly captures the honesty of a child, and it’s pretty hilarious. The short video begins with a cute little girl chowing down on a piece of meat. The child’s father then asks the youngster if he can tell her a joke. She then selects the joke for her father to tell her, which she finds absolutely hysterical.



Seconds later, the little girl’s mother chimes in with another joke. She says, “Daddy’s nose is Play-Doh!” This also gets a big laugh from the little one. The child returns the favor and says, “Mommy’s nose is Play-Doh!”

But the little girl wasn’t finished. She then had a joke for her father, which involved her unexpected and hilarious take on her father’s teeth.

While pointing at her father, the child says, “Your teeth is yellow!”

This unexpected comment from their child was too much for Mom and Dad. Both burst into laughter, causing the camera to fall to the floor.

This clip proves that children are incredibly honest, which can often lead to some pretty hilarious situations!

@austingeter Bruh we was just having fun telling jokes and then @charliegeter ♬ original sound – austingeter

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