Mom shares 2-year-old daughter’s final moments – “She sang me her favorite song”

Watching your child get sick and feeling helpless is one of the hardest things for any parent.

Magalli Jimenez welcomed her beautiful daughter, Ava Skye, into the world. For the first year, everything was wonderful. But when Ava turned 13 months old, things changed quickly.



Jimenez noticed her daughter was in pain and immediately took her to the doctor. The news was devastating: little Ava had muscle cancer, which was not only affecting her physical development but also causing her pain.

As a young mother, Jimenez knew she had to stay strong for her baby girl. She held on to hope as Ava’s oncologist outlined a treatment plan. Jimenez watched her daughter go through painful chemotherapy, wishing she could take her place.

After many rounds of chemo, the family was relieved to hear that Ava was in remission. But their joy didn’t last long.

In July 2022, doctors told the family that Ava’s cancer had returned and was resistant to treatment. Surgery was their only option, but because Ava was so young, she had little chance of recovering from it.


Knowing their time was limited, Jimenez made the heartbreaking decision to admit Ava to hospice care. She focused on making her daughter’s final days as comfortable as possible. While Jimenez would cry in private, she made sure to smile and laugh with Ava during their time together.

“We decided to let her live her life, enjoy her, and do all the things we always wanted to do with her. We made a bucket list for her,” Jimenez shared.

To help, Jimenez’s friend, Davina Galvan, who also has a child with cancer, started a GoFundMe to raise $5,000. She wanted Jimenez to have the funds needed to fulfill Ava’s bucket list.

On August 22, 2022, Ava passed away. Jimenez held her daughter close, heartbroken but relieved that Ava was no longer in pain.

The day before she passed, Ava, who could barely stand, sang a song to her mother. She looked into her mother’s eyes and sang her favorite song, “I love you. You love me. We are a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss, kiss. Won’t you say you love me too?”

Jimenez recorded this sweet moment and shared it to show what a kind and loving soul her daughter was.


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My heart will always be broken, but I promised her I would live for her. Hug your children a little tighter today, even when they drive you crazy,” Jimenez said.

She continues to miss her daughter and would do anything to hug her again.

Our hearts go out to Ava’s family during this unimaginable loss.

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