Little Girl Sings Whitney Houston Song To Perfection

So when a little girl tells the world she’s about to take on a Whitney classic, ladies and gentlemen, you probably want to sit back, relax and enjoy the show, because she’s going to bring it!

Emma Lowry is 9-years-old and has autism. While everyday encounters are difficult for the girl to handle, such as communicating in front of large crowds or being in social situations or having to reach out to friends and family, getting up on stage and singing for an audience is right up her alley! In fact, when Emma’s parents suggested she try out for “Autism’s Got Talent,” she jumped at the opportunity, excited to sing and put herself out there in a way that is fun and comfortable for her.

Even speaking, formulating words and stringing together sentences can be difficult for Emma, but the chance to sing a Whitney Houston song doesn’t seem to faze her. As the last contestant of the show, Emma has to give it all she’s got if she wants to win, and boy does she ever give it.




Singing “One Moment in Time,” Whitney first made the song famous in 1988 during the Summer Olympics held in Seoul, South Korea. Even with Emma’s daily challenges, the moment she opens her mouth to sing, she radiates confidence. She takes total ownership of the stage, clearly comfortable in her surroundings as she gets deeper into the song. Emma’s ability to completely let go of her voice is remarkable. Her vocals are strong and powerful, and she shows she knows exactly what she’s doing. And, her finale? She does the last part, the big crescendo of the song acapella. It’s just her voice and the song as she hits the final note right outta the park! The crowd goes wild for the little girl with the Whitney voice!

Click below to watch Emma muster all her strength and courage to deliver a five-star performance that has the crowd erupting with applause and cheering! She is truly outstanding.

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