9-Year-Old Stands In Front Of Church And Sings ‘Rescue’ By Lauren Daigle

A young woman showed off her impressive pipes as she belted out a song by Lauren Daigle in a house of worship.

Many people have an immense, almost paralyzing fear of speaking and performing in public. The thought of messing up, flubbing a line or forgetting the lyrics to a song is too much for some people to bear. But 9-year-old Brittyn is not like most people.

A video posted on Facebook shows the young woman standing at the front of a church singing the track “Rescue” by popular Christian music artist Lauren Daigle.


The child who performs the song solo gives a stirring cover of the song with a positive and uplifting message about refusing to give up on someone. Additionally, the track is for anyone who has ever felt uncared for, alone or abandoned. As the Facebook post points out, the song is really for anyone who needs a little encouragement.

“I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It’s true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you”

The child’s voice is beautiful! Her voice is almost too good to be true. How is a voice that sounds like that coming from someone who is so young and inexperienced?


The caption accompanying the Facebook post indicates that the young woman has not received any musical training. That is stunning. Imagine what this child could sound like if she did receive proper coaching and mentoring.

Those sitting in the pews, who were treated to the dazzling performance, give the young woman a well-deserved round of applause at the conclusion of the song.

Since it was posted the video of the young lady’s impressive musical performance has been viewed approximately 1.6 million times. It’s also been Liked somewhere in the neighborhood of 26 thousand times.

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