3-Year-Old Girl Waits For Her Brother To Give Him A Hug Every Day After School

People have become so isolated nowadays. We are so busy in our life that we hardly spent our day with family or siblings. When was the last time you hugged your sister or brother? Told them you love them and appreciate their presence more than anything in this world? Yeah, I can’t remember either.

Siblings are our first best friend, we fight with them, play with them and despite all the arguments we love each other. Having a lovable sibling is a blessing, and besides our parents, they are siblings who love us truly.

During our bad time, the only ones who’ll stick around us will be our family and not the people whom we trying to impress or stalking on social media.



If we try to keep our phones, Instagram, Snapchat away and realize all the beautiful things happening around us is because of our family.

A small girl has a special routine, every day she waits for the bus to give her brother a hug after school. She feels so happy after seeing her brother who also smiles when he sees his sister running towards him.

But, one day she felt down, and her brother gives her a warm hug just like her, and sits with her to change her mood. It made her happy and she was feeling better. The hugs continued after that, this brother-sister set a beautiful example of love and care.

It’s always important to tell how much you love your close ones.

Sometimes, we take everything lightly and avoid the presence of the family. This 3-year-old little girl understands everything better than 30 years old don’t. Appreciate your brother, sister, father, mother, uncle, aunt because it’s important to show love.

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