11-year-old Grabbed the Mic, Then Wowed an Entire Stadium With “The Star-Spangled Banner”

Every person seems to have something that they are just born to do. For instance, some people find learning new languages easy, while others have a penchant for dancing. Young children are especially good at learning new things. They are like sponges that soak up everything around them, and the young girl in the following video must have grown up around music!

This video shows a slip from the Stadium of Fire performance of the national anthem in 2013. This 11 year old school girl brought the entire stadium on their feet. With her powerful voice and patriotic emotion, she impressed the whole world. Lexi walker starts the performance with her powerful solo and is backed up by an incredible choir.




Along with the song, you will be able to see fire performance by the soldiers, which I think complements the performance very much. It takes a lot of courage to perform in front of a crowd but this little girl doesn’t seem nervous or afraid. And the way she delivers the song is just too amazing. It is safe to say that Lexi has a great future ahead of her. And we will soon be hearing a lot of her songs.

With a voice like that, no wonder people love her so much! Let’s hope she pursues her passion for singing even in the future!

Check out this amazing video below:

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