Single dad adopts 3 siblings who bounced around 16 foster homes

3 children in foster care had their lives changed forever by a single dad with a huge heart. The kids had been in foster care for years until Darryl Andersen stepped in.

Four-year-old Miquel, six-year-old Willis, and nine-year-old Nevaeh had quite an experience growing up in different foster homes. Darryl said, ‘They’re very close and understand, you know, they’ve been placed 16 times and in group homes, and so all they had was each other.’

The siblings stayed together through 16 different moves in 5 short years. Once Darryl heard about the children, he couldn’t sit back. Even as a single dad with 3 children of his own, Darryl decided to take a leap of faith after receiving his own children’s blessing.

He said he kept thinking, ‘There are kids out there in this world who don’t have a place to call home. When Christmas comes, where do they go?’ The thought of these siblings being alone bothered him so much he was moved to action.



Darryl continued to say, ‘One of my main motivations is, I feel, like the saying says, because I have been given much, I too must give.’ He felt so grateful to have raised his own kids, and he wanted to keep giving.

“I want them to understand that the past is the past, and they get to make their own future, and it all depends on them,” said Andersen. He realizes their early life was filled with struggle, but he wants to change their future.

Darryl’s new children tell him, ‘We all love you more than the earth. It’s because you’re a good dad. We love you so much.’ The heart of this single dad is touching even more lives and inspiring others to help foster children!

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