Little boy with a thick accent offers grandpa hysterical driving directions

Rural America offers diverse collection of places which are remarkable to say the least. With all the nature untouched by humans, abundant farmlands, and lush mountains, it offers the life many embrace with open arms.

Little Jake Boone and his family live in a rural part of the country and they love it. This boy with a thick southern accent knows a thing or two about getting around in the rural areas and he’s more than happy to share that knowledge with his grandma and grandpa who were late for breakfast because they probably got lost.



He offers a lot of tips and tricks on how to slip the busy road and some driving directions that can come in handy the next time grandpa pays him a visit. Jake even speaks of miles and does it in a way that many find beyond adorable.

Check him out in the video below, maybe you’ll find his advice valuable.

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