Mom Of 2 Is Shopping When Man Approaches Her, She Looks Over And Screams I would react the same way.

If you have a sibling, there’s a good chance that you two are very good friends. Or, at the very least, the two of you feel close and connected because of a shared childhood. We may grow up and apart in some ways, but our sibling is often our first friend and is the one person in the world who understands just what it is like to grow up in our particular family. Just like individual people, every family is unique and no one can truly understand it unless they have experienced it for themselves.


This is why, that even if you are not close with your sibling when you become adults, that you will always share a bond and connection with them. Chances are that you share an unspoken language and inside jokes that no one else will understand. You probably even share some of the same memories, good and bad, though they may come from a slightly different perspective.

The connection between siblings remains when they grow up, even if they move far away. And in the case of the brother and sister in this video, they were separated when he was deployed with the U.S. National Guard. Growing up, the two siblings, Brian and Valerie were the best of friends. They did everything together, including skipping school. Brian even assisted in the birth of Valerie’s first child!

Just from their story, it’s obvious that these two have a close bond, one that could outlast anything, even a year-long deployment that put them thousands of miles apart. It must have been very difficult for them both, but we all recognize and respect the sacrifices that Brian, and every other member of the military, make in an effort to keep every single person safe from harm.


Brian deserves the best from his country and it looks like he has a warm, loving family to come home to. Followed by a someone taking the video, Brian winds through the aisles of a store, searching for his sister Valerie who has no idea that he is home. As he looks from aisle to aisle, he hears her familiar voice and walks to the end where she is shopping. There is a moment where she doesn’t see him, but the moment she finally does brought tears to my eyes.

Watch the heartwarming reunion in the video below, and don’t forget to like and share it with family and friends!!

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