Mom records dad changing baby’s diaper, and the video has the internet unable to stop laughing

Though it’s common to think that it’s just the mother who looks after the babies and children in the family, that’s changing over time. More and more, dads are taking over child-rearing duties. Some are even stay-at-home dads while their wives go back to work. Even if that’s not the case, dads are becoming more hands-on in raising babies and are making an effort to participate in parenting.

I remember my dad trying to be as hands-on as possible when we were growing up. He’d be up in the middle of the night lulling us to sleep; he’d try mashing up peas and carrots and feeding them to us and also enduring the times that we’d spit our food right back out; and then there was the diaper change.



If you look at most people’s social media like Facebook, it’s easy to believe that parenting is simple. According to your friends’ photos, it’s all about adorable outfits and fun family outings that are perfect for taking pictures that have to be shared. Babies are cute little bundles of smiles and having a perfect family takes practically no effort at all.

But, anyone who has raised children knows that that’s not reality. Some people may be able to make life look perfect in photos, but parenting is hard work. So much so, that sometimes new parents aren’t even prepared for what a baby will bring into your life.



Babies, in addition to being adorable little bundles of joy, are noisy and can get messy. For parents, sleeping in on the weekends and quiet, intimate dinners are a thing of the past. While your baby looks adorable in their cutesy outfit, chances are it will soon be ruined by spit up or a stinky diaper.

It’s the stinky diaper part that really got to the dad in this video. He wants to be a part of raising his adorable daughter and everything that comes with it — which means lots of dirty diapers. Well, he wasn’t quite prepared for just how a gross a dirty diaper could be. It’s hilarious to watch him get the job done all while giving himself an encouraging talk about almost getting through the job. He’s making everyone roll over in laughter!

He gets through it, but not without a lot of gagging. Parents and everyone else will get a good laugh from this hilarious video.

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