5-year-old saves Dad’s life with 911 but her hilarious commentary has dispatchers doubled up

That’s Savannah from Indiana, who didn’t just know what to do when her dad started experiencing chest pains; she actually saved his life by making that crucial call to 911.


It’s a heartwarming reminder that sometimes, the smallest among us can be the biggest lifesavers.

Savannah’s conversation with the 911 operator wasn’t just a display of her quick thinking; it was also a moment of unexpected levity.

The recording of her call didn’t just go viral for its cuteness; it was a testament to her bravery and wit.

When the 911 operator, Jason Bonham, picked up Savannah’s call, her words were simple yet urgent:

“Um… my dad can’t hardly breathe.”


Bonham acted swiftly, dispatching an ambulance to their home.

Savannah, with a mix of innocence and urgency, told him, “OK… you need to come reaalll fast!”

It’s the kind of earnestness that can only come from a child, and yet, it was exactly what the situation called for.

Bonham, maintaining his professional calm, reassured Savannah that help was on the way and proceeded to gather more information.

“Yes, he’s awake,” she confirmed when asked about her dad’s consciousness.

She checked with her dad and unlocked the door, following Bonham’s instructions to the letter.

As they waited for the ambulance, Savannah didn’t just sit idly by.

She comforted her dad, telling him:

“Don’t worry Dad!”

Savannah’s diligence extended to answering all of Bonham’s questions with a level of focus that belied her young age.

“No, so far so good. He’s still awake,” she reported when asked if this had happened before.

“Ok. We’re in our jammies! And I’m in a tank top, so… I’ll have to get dressed,” she informed Bonham with a seriousness that was both comical and endearing.


She knew her dad needed oxygen, fast, but she also knew she had to change out of her pajamas. Priorities, right?

Bonham, ever the professional, redirected her focus, asking, “Is he still doing OK, Savannah?” She assured him her dad was fine and excused herself to get changed. It was a moment of innocence amidst the urgency, a reminder that Savannah, despite her bravery, was still very much a child.


In the end, Savannah’s dad was alright, and our little heroine had not only saved the day but also provided some much-needed comic relief.

Her adorable 911 call had everyone, including Bonham, in stitches.

This story of a pint-sized hero with a heart of gold and the composure of a champion has the internet standing in applause for her and the parents who taught her so well.

Listen to the hilariously adorable live interaction in the video below, and share this story to spread a little joy and a lot of pride in the bravery of our children.

Listen to the hilariously adorable live interaction in the video below!

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