Queen’s Guards Breaks Formation At Windsor Castle For Little Boy



One British mom named Imogen Scott really wanted her son Marshall to have a memorable fourth birthday. So, since her son really loved the Queen’s Guard, she decided to take him on a trip to Windsor Castle to see the guardsmen up close.

Kids have different characters and heroes that they look up to while growing up. For Marshall, he had an infatuation with the soldiers that are famously known for protecting Her Majesty.

Before his birthday trip to Windsor Castle, the youngster got all dressed up in his very own Coldstream Guard costume to wear on the tour. Marshall looked absolutely adorable wearing his ‘bearskin’ hat and red jacket. In fact, he even had tourists asking if they could take photos with him!

It seemed as if it was going to be as close as the birthday boy would get to his heroes. That is until one of them turned around.

A guardsman marched back out of the doorway and went straight towards Marshall. He then signaled him over with his finger so they could take a photo together. It’s a scene that’s melted hearts around the globe.

The Royal Guardsman who performed the kind act is a man named Lance Corporal Edden.

During an interview with the Evening Standard, he explained how it wasn’t typically how things went. He told the publication:


“Usually I would just take the guardsmen in the guardroom as normal – but my wife and I are expecting a baby boy, and I remembered standing at Edinburgh Castle when I was younger hoping to get a picture with a soldier.”

According to Imogen Scott, it was the “BEST BIRTHDAY EVER” for her four-year-old son. After the video went viral, the Coldstream Guards posted a social media message for Marshall in regards to his future. They wrote:

“We have a spot reserved for him at the Army Foundation College Harrogate for the March 2029 intake.”



The news is oftentimes filled with negativity, which is perhaps why this sweet story really touched people’s hearts. USA TODAY even created a Humankind version of the video using the footage. In response to it, one viewer wrote:

“Totally awesome! My eyes teared up and I am a full grown 50+yro man. This guard made that kids day, week, month….”

Watch the video below to see Marshall have his dream come to life thanks to a kind guardsman!

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