Talented 5-Year-Old Auditions With Classic Sinatra Song

Having talent is one thing. You can be renowned for whatever it is that you’re good at, singing, athletics, painting, dancing, anything! You can even build on your talent, sharpen your skills and better yourself through practice and diligent hard work. But something that’s innate, something that you’re born with, an intangible factor, is your personality! Some people just naturally sparkle and ooze personality and magnetic presence.


Are there people like this that you’ve met in your life? If so, then you know that they leave an everlasting impression on you, and there’s something about them that you will always remember. Right? If you can relate, then you know exactly how the judges feel about 5-year-old Sophie Fatu from Charleston, West Virginia, USA. The second she walks onstage, she’s commanded the entire room, and it’s nothing short of impressive, given her age.

All eyes are on this tiny girl wearing a bright pink layered, long-sleeved frilly dress. She’s got knee high stockings and a big, pink floppy bow in her hair and two little bows on her feet. Heidi immediately starts to ask her questions, and Sophie’s responses have the entire audience and judges saying, “Awwwww.” Yes, Sophie is a cutie pie. Yes, Sophie is a sweetheart. But Sophie is also unabashedly herself. She’s outspoken, charismatic and just shines bright and strong. She’s not nervous. She’s not even shaking! She even goes on to confess how “…my favorite judge is Mr. Simon.” The crowd sighs together as her mom is dying of laughter on the side of the stage. You can’t help but do the same.

The judges wish the girl good luck. Sophie says thank you, and the music starts. Simon recognizes it immediately and shoots the other judges a confused and skeptical look – it’s Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and a small child is about to sing it! It’s a pretty mature song, but little Sophie sings it in stride. She’s fearless and adorable and gives good ‘ol Frank a run for his money!


As Sophie reaches the end of the song, she hits the last note right out of the park, and everyone goes wild. She gets rave reviews from all the judges — that’s 4 yeses! — and even a romantic set-up with Simon’s son. He wants Sophie to date him!

It’s just all too cute! Click below to watch Sophie in her comfort zone as she wins over the entire room!

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