Little Girl Sings “A Million Dreams” With Her Dad

For many, singing or playing an instrument is a wonderful way to express themselves and relieve stress. For little Claire Ryann Crosby, singing is something she genuinely adores not just for the act itself but also for the bond it helps her create with her parents; they have been involved with music before Claire was even born.

In an incredible video, Claire and her father Dave have truly brought “A Million Dreams” from the famous musical, The Greatest Showman, to life. Before even watching the video, I already knew this was going to be cute, but never did I think that it would be something I would genuinely enjoy as a song in general!

So, we start out with Claire in a cute navy-blue dress with white polka dots against a brick wall. I thought at first we’d only be getting a glimpse of the little girl’s talent, but then her father peers in with instrument-playing and vocals of his own, which by the way are both stunning.


I have to say, in some parts of the cover, Claire sounds much more mature for her age. I am truly impressed! Sure, while there are more than likely edits to Claire’s singing voice, I enjoy her version more as the clip goes on. And you know we can’t ignore the cute faces she makes when she hits the higher notes. With her sweet smiles and tightly-shut eyes as she’s singing, this little girl is melting my heart.



Apart from the singing itself, can we just stop to notice how amazing the music video is? I love the interactions between Claire and her dad throughout the video, particularly when they look at one another and sing. The footage is playful and sentimental at the same time. Plus, I adore the end of the video where Dave picks up Claire and sits her on his lap. So cute!

I think Claire’s version is much nicer than the original (and that was tough for me to come to terms with because I usually like original versions better). I thought both Claire and her daddy were excellent singers! I hope the two will continue to share their passion for music with one another as they grow. They both have great potential!

To hear the incredible and underrated revamp of “A Million Dreams,” brought to us by the adorable Claire Crosby, check out the music video below.

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