The little one tried tuna with lemon and pepper for the first time. Funny reaction!

Agreed, observing little children, especially when they try something for the first time, is always interesting.
In such moments, the spectacle can be truly unforgettable, making it worthwhile to have a video camera on hand. In the captured footage below, taken in Gig Harbor, Washington, USA, we can witness something similar.


A little boy named Dash is trying tuna with lemon and pepper for the first time in his life. He does it with such a sour expression that looking at his cute face just makes you smile. Take a look for yourself and soak up the positivity!

“Our 9-month-old son Dash tried tuna with lemon and pepper. He always makes this annoyed face, and this time he clearly wasn’t thrilled with the dish!


He loves to eat and always wants to try everything we eat, and if it’s safe for him, we always let him give it a try,” shared one of the child’s parents.

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