Why did this courageous 7-year-old girl carry her brother on her back?

Many people have always been concerned about the safety of youngsters traveling alone. Many citizens are anxious about seeing children unsupervised by an adult. When their parents are unavailable, grandchildren turn to their grandparents!


Photos of a young girl carrying her younger sibling on her back have gone viral. She didn’t appear to mind going by herself. Despite carrying her brother on her back and a large bag, she smiled for a snapshot that captured the hearts of netizens.

People took note when photographs of a 7-year-old girl carrying her younger brother, who appeared to be less than a year old, on her back while hanging on to a large bag went popular on the internet. Her clothes were simple, and her hair looked unkempt. She was traveling from Nanjing to Chengdu on a sluggish train, lugging a suitcase half her height.

Because there didn’t appear to be any available seats for the traveling youngsters, the patient little girl stood in the aisle. A passenger inquired about the absence of adult supervision for the young girl. They presumably went to see their parents in Nanjing. They were unable to bring the children home, so the little girl took on the burden of accompanying her brother home. The passenger smiled at the small child.


Passengers on the train took photos of the little girl and posted them on the internet. They went viral unexpectedly! The beautiful little girl even smiled for the photos, demonstrating her lack of fear of traveling alone. Her innocent face concealed a strong personality and the responsibility of an older sister.

This young lady has been in charge for quite some time. When their parents are not present, she takes good care of her brother. She may have grown up in poverty, but she has a positive outlook on life. Netizens’ reactions range from concern to admiration. Everyone wishes them the best of luck in life.

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