Big Brother Sings Lullaby To His Preemie Sister

Recently, one family went through the unimaginable when their baby girl, Ellis, was born prematurely and almost didn’t survive. The harrowing experience was especially hard on big brother Kashton, who at just four years old, must have had some trouble processing exactly what happened. As he lays down with his baby sister to sing her the sweetest lullaby, his mother notices that he is getting emotional.


“Although I selfishly keep beautiful moments like this off of Facebook and cherish them privately, today I accidentally captured one of the most amazing moments on video. I don’t just see a big brother loving his baby sister, I see the *beauty* of our story he refers to. To know my 4-year-old is able to feel deep emotion was breathtaking. His love and thankfulness for Ellis were almost palpable. This can only be described as true love…”

It isn’t just Kaston who gets emotional about his baby sister. The whole family shared a frightening experience when they thought that Ellis, who was born prematurely, would not survive.


“She was born without a heartbeat. As they worked to resuscitate her, my heart stopped, and I slipped into a coma. 3 days later I woke up and met my tiny fighter. Ellis spent 2 long months in the NICU fighting for her life. Kashton, her big brother, was only allowed to see her once in the beginning when we weren’t sure if she would survive, and then once at the end of her stay when we knew she was coming home.”

She explained one reason why Kashton might be so emotional — his family is finally back together again.

“I feel like my son was overcome with emotion because he could finally lay next to his baby sister and hold her hand. He had witnessed so much in those two months between myself and his sister. I can only imagine this was a moment of sweet relief that we were all together again.”

Watch the heartwarming moments in the video below! I can guarantee you’ll cry.

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