Four 5th Grade Boys Dress In Onesies To Perform Comical Routine

One would argue that our school-going years are the best of one’s life, especially elementary school. Why’s that? Well, we’re mostly care-free with a child-like innocence, and we get to express ourselves in many different creative ways without feeling judged or afraid. It’s a time when we learn how to make friends, and laugh without inhibitions. What a jolly time it is indeed.

That is the exact reason why you need to see the video below. Not only because it’s pretty darn funny, but also because it’ll give you that sense of child-like innocence, and may just take you back to a few fond memories you experienced during school!




The video shows four fifth-graders putting on a hilarious performance for their school, New Braunfels Christian Academy, in puppet-like costumes, making them look like babies. Then, the music starts—Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off.’ The boys bust out their perfectly practiced routine and have the entire crowd bursting with laughter the entire time.

Then we realize that the routine is done to a whole mixture of well-known songs, which peaks our interest and entertainment level. You’ll hear the sounds of Justin Timberlake, The Village People, and the infamous song, Kung Fu Fighting, along with some impressive moves. It’s no doubt that this performance, which has gained over seven million views on YouTube alone, will make these four boys the most popular kids at school!

Give the giggle-worthy video below a watch and let us know your thoughts in the comments. I predict that you’ll either be singing and/or dancing along, or laughing in hysterics—maybe even both! Either way, if you’ve loved the video as much as we have, be sure to like and share it with your family and friends.

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