Young Boy Learns To Tie Shoe Laces On First Try With Genius Hack!

Young Boy Learns To Tie Shoe Laces On First Try With Genius Hack!By Janey – September 19th, 2016
When I was younger, I loved wearing Velcro shoes because I dreaded tying shoe laces. You see, my mother had tried to teach me how to tie my laces but it was hard. Really hard. My my would show me how to do it, I’d attempt it several times before finally replicating it correctly, and then I’d go out and completely forget how to do it. So back square one I went.

It took a good long while but one day, I finally had it down and I was much happier than I should have been. Indeed, it was quite an accomplishment for me and I know that I’m not alone in this. I’ve met many people who admitted to having struggled with learning how to tie their shoe laces and the sheer joy we experienced when we finally succeeded. But there’s some good news for new parents: your child will never have to know these pains.



No, I’m not talking about self-tying shoes à la Back to the Future. What shall set your children free from Velcro is some advice from the Unstoppable Mother. This very clever mom has figured out a very simple and effective way to teach children how to tie their laces, and she’s sharing her trick with the moms and dads everywhere. In the video below, we see her demonstrate her technique and then her son tries proceeds to nail it on his first attempt. Amazing!

Watch the clip for yourself and let us know what you think of this trick. Do you prefer the old-fashioned way or would you give this a try? Over 6 million people have viewed this video so she must be doing something right. Way to go, Mom!

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