Little Girls Start Dancing To Popular Song, But The Horse Steals The Show

In 2016, Melanie Kessler posted a video of her two daughters and a horse dancing to Silento’s popular dance song Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) at the San Antonio Rose Palace in San Antonio, Texas.

The scene looks picture perfect. Two sweet girls on a beautiful sunny day, their trusty horse saddled and ready to ride. A big sister and a little sister ready to enjoy some fresh air and exercise. It seems like the next step would be for one of them to get on the horse and gallop through the sunshine, almost like a picture on a calendar.



Enter Mom, music, and a horse with Broadway aspirations. While filming, Mom plays Silento’s hit hip-hop song Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae). The giggling girls start dancing to the catchy beat, grooving with their own fun moves. Big sister and little sister rock it out, bonding through the dance and the time together.

Apparently the horse was feeling neglected. He must have figured that if they weren’t going to ride him right away, he might as well dance with them.

He starts with a few tentative pawing hooves, but before long he is in full competition with the girls. Some stomping, some wriggling, and some well-timed headshaking show how much he appreciates a good time.

If you listen closely, you might even hear a little ‘neigh neigh’ from the horse to go with the “nae nae”. The horse even bends its legs in a horsie boogie move.



According to Equine Wellness Magazine, horses actually respond to rhythms and beats. That’s why famous stallions like the Lipizzaners perform with such precision, or why circus horses can dance a sequence of steps.

But this horse wasn’t worried about precision. He just gave in to his natural instinct to groove with the beat and to imitate his beloved owners.

Viewers online have responded to this charming and surprising video, saying that they enjoy the playfulness between these delightful girls and their lively horse. Some comments also point out how lucky the girls, and the horse, are.

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