Twins Marvel After Having Their Babies, Including Set Of Twins, On Same Day

There is no denying the strong bond that often exists between twins. However, this particular bond goes well beyond what is normally expected.

Lisa Boyce’s family was overjoyed when she announced that she was pregnant. The news got even better when her twin sister, Lauren, also announced that she was pregnant the following week. To add to the joy, as reported in The Mirror, Lauren revealed that she was pregnant with twins. The sisters then realized that their babies were due only 10 days apart.



Then doctors realized that Lauren’s babies were both in the breech position, necessitating that she have a C-section to deliver them safely. Just a few days earlier, Lisa had found out that her baby was measuring big for his due date. Because of this, she was waiting to be scheduled for a labor induction at the same hospital that Lauren was going to deliver her twins. The two mothers also had the same doctor.

Lisa was hopeful that she could deliver her baby and be back at home with enough time to help Lauren when her babies arrived. However, you know what they say about the best-laid plans. You can probably guess what happened next.

Watch this video where the sisters tell their amazing tale. Afterwards, be sure to spread the miracle to all of your friends and family. Situations like this don’t come around every day.

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