Teen Sings Incredible Cover Of ‘Having You Near Me’ While His Friends Play Acoustics

Raise your hand if you’re not guilty of watching ten straight song covers on YouTube? Just what I thought—no hands in the air. Although my not being able to see you could have something to do with that, just saying. Anyway, if you’re looking to add on another fantastic song cover onto your list then add this one!


Three Filipino teens, Jhong Madaliday, the singer, and the two guitar players, cover Air Supply’s “Having You Near Me,” and it’s so worth hearing. Even if you don’t know the song—I didn’t—it’s worth giving it a listen because of Jhong’s incredible voice.

The band, singing the cover of the popular Australian band, even got nicknamed Pinoy Air Supply.

The video begins with 16-year-old Jhong introducing the players—Ivan on lead guitar and Samuel on bass guitar (they are just as good as the singer)! They didn’t plan to upload a cover on YouTube, they were just playing for their enjoyment, but Zacky Kandalayang, the man recording them, asked if he could record them when he saw them playing in a sari-sari store. He was just as amazed as you will be when you watch!


From the picture above, you can already tell that Jhong is about to sing passionately and beautifully.

One of the best parts of this video—besides the music, of course—is Jhong’s smile while he sings! It brings a smile to your face when he does that. He’s obviously very passionate about his singing, and what’s better than seeing that passion on someone’s face?

If you want to hear Jhong sing and his friends play, watch the video below! Let us know what you think—did you like his singing and their playing as much as we did? Tell us in the comments! Also, please remember to like and share this video with friends and family!

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