Little Boy Tries To Help Mommy With Groceries Instead Has Internet In Tears Of Laughter

We love little kids for all of the cute reasons they give us! They have sweet, angelic smiles, expressive eyes, and beautiful little voices. Those together are plenty enough to melt your heart. But this little boy is winning hearts around the world when you see all three of these things put together in one video. You’ll positively melt when you hear his little voice and see his cute face!

Chrystal Logsdon, a young Southern mother, decided to record her little boy when she made her shopping list. It is now going viral for so many reasons. It’s just too adorable for words.

Chrystal’s little boy was all ready to take a trip with her to pick up some groceries. However, it was time to make the shopping list before they went out. He ran to her desk to get a paper and pen before running back to his mother to list the grocery items they needed.


Chrystal would first tell him the food item that they would need to get from the grocery store. You could hear her strong southern accent with every word. However, her little boy’s accent was just too adorable. He would repeat what she said in the most down-home, country voice you could ever imagine.
Many people can’t believe how strong his accent is at such a young age. However, the publication Smithsonian explains that this is quite normal. They say that an accent can be programmed into a baby as young as six months old.

According to the publication, a baby actually begins to differentiate bits of verbal input by six months old. They silently rehearse the words until they can actually deliver them later. When they do begin to speak, they will do so with whatever distinctive accent they have been hearing for their short life. In this case, it was with a definite southern inflection.

An accent can stay with a person for many years. That is definitely the case when it comes to this little boy and his cute little accent! As soon as she started recording him we could easily hear that Southern twang come out.

Are you ready to hear this little charmer for yourself? Check out the video below:

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