Toddler’s Reaction To Losing Ice Cream While Asleep

Craig, Savannah, and Hoda give viewers a laugh when they share a sleeping toddler’s reaction to losing her ice cream. This little cutie is serious about her dairy!


Hoda’s Morning Boost segment delivers a daily feel-good story to folks all across the country, but the tiny subject of this particular story seems to be feeling a little tired.

She’s a precious, pig-tailed princess in pink. She was probably raring to go a few hours earlier. She likely had a clean face and hands that weren’t very sticky. However, it appears to be nap time, and this little lady needs rest. Unfortunately, like a lot of littles, she isn’t going down without a fight!


As the clip begins, the toddler appears to have dropped off to sleep. But, suddenly, she rouses and realizes she’s not quite done with the cone that she’d clearly been working on beforehand. The adult in charge hands over the chocolate ice cream cone, and just as Little Miss brings it to her mouth for a taste, her head drops sideways. She’s out again!

For the terminally tidy or obsessively clean, this video may create anxiety. After all, the child is covered in chocolate. It’s a mocha meltdown! The summer-time treat has cascaded down the cone, onto her chubby fingers, all over her front, and onto the stroller’s black straps. That’s going to require some major stain remover and upholstery cleaner!

Just as the messy, albeit sweet, baby seems to submit to sleep once again, and her hand slides down, still holding the cone, a grown-up gently takes the cone from her. Gently though it may have been, the toddler feels the void in her sticky paw and wakes.

The exhausted toddler cries out because she’s not ready to give up her cold, creamy treat. When the cone is returned to her, she takes a lick and lays her precious head back.

Bless you, sweet baby! Ice cream is good stuff. Soon enough, you will realize that sleep is even better!

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