Dad Helps His Adorable Baby Girl Pick Out The Perfect Swimsuit

A father shared a special and heartwarming moment with his adorable baby girl as he helped her pick out the perfect swimsuit.

Time with your children is precious and limited—ask any parent. Children have a nasty habit of growing up and eventually moving out of your house to start their own lives and careers. Blink, and that infant is now learning to drive, about to graduate from high school and preparing to head off to college.

That’s why parents have to take every opportunity to make memories with their children. Even if you’re tired or not feeling the greatest, spending time with your child or children is something that you’ll never regret doing. It’s also time you’ll never get back; once that opportunity and moment is gone, it’s gone forever.



A sweet and short clip posted on social media shows a loving father making the most of time with his adorable infant daughter. It’s likely to be one of the most heartwarming and cute videos you’ll see all day, perhaps the entire week.

In the video, a little girl sits comfortably on a couch. Her father is right in front of her, holding up swimsuits. He is trying to help her choose the right one for her first swim. This is a momentous occasion, and selecting the right outfit is of paramount importance.

Dad gives the young woman two options: a dark pink and a light pink swimsuit. The light pink bathing suit even has a famous face on the front. Minnie Mouse is on the suit, which the adorable girl looks at and seems to consider thoroughly.

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