New Dad Hilariously Interviews His Infant Girl

This new dad decided he needed to get a little extra information on babies, so he turned to the ultimate expert—his baby daughter, Amalah. The resulting interview is a delightful mix of adorable moments and hilarious exchanges! Dad’s genuine curiosity and Amalah’s innocent yet expressive responses create a heartwarming and comedic scene that is sure to leave you smiling.

From the very first question, it’s clear that Amalah is up for the challenge, responding with babbles, giggles, and wide-eyed expressions. Each question Dad asks seems to elicit an even cuter reaction from Amalah, making it hard to pick a favorite moment. Whether it’s her enthusiastic cooing or her thoughtful pauses, Amalah’s contributions to the conversation are simply priceless.

One particular question stands out for its sheer hilarity. When Dad asks Amalah for her thoughts on bedtime routines, her reaction is nothing short of epic. Her exaggerated gestures and expressive sounds seem to suggest that bedtime is a topic she’s very passionate about, leading to a burst of laughter from Dad and viewers alike.



The dynamic between this father-daughter duo is enchanting, with Dad’s playful inquiries and Amalah’s charming responses creating a video that’s as entertaining as it is heartwarming. It’s evident that this dad cherishes these moments with his little girl, and his efforts to include her in such a fun and creative way are truly endearing.

Which question had you cackling the most? Was it Amalah’s take on bedtime, her thoughts on snack time, or perhaps her opinion on tummy time? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to SHARE this adorable interview with your friends and family – it’s a perfect pick-me-up for anyone in need of a good laugh!

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