Marine gets promoted by his 3-yr-old son and melts 21M hearts

It’s the rare few incredible men and women that are able to make it through the difficult process of becoming a marine. It starts with the aptitude test and boot camp, and then, everything that inevitably follows after.


The most dedicated of this crew will rightly be promoted as well.
However, in a video with over 21 million views on YouTube, we saw the first time a marine was ever promoted by a three-year-old.

Typically, a promotion within the ranks of the marines is a super formal affair.
Becoming an officer is one of the biggest honors that a marine can receive, so rightly, it is an event shrouded in respect and dignity.

In a recent video though, the marines also showed that they are willing to bend the rules a little bit in order to promote another one of their most important values. Family. Marines are out protecting and serving us so that our families can remain safe back home.

In the video, the whole promotion ceremony begins as you would normally expect.
The superior officer reads off the commission or formal document stating that the serviceman is being promoted. It’s not until later on that we get the surprise.


The rest of the marines stand in attention watching.
They are awaiting the end where the “pinning on” part of the ceremony takes place. It’s the most important part, and throughout the reading, the emotional tension in the atmosphere continues to rise.

“Know that we are proposing special trust and confidence in the fidelities and abilities of Kyle B Carpenter,” the document reads.

“I do appoint this marine a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps.”

The officers shake the new sergeant’s hand, and immediately after, they call a special guest up to the ceremony with them.
Carpenter’s three-year-old son comes walking across the pavement with the most adorable grin on his face.

We can see the proud mama and wife in the background as well watching on with excitement. She has the camera out and is hoping to capture this whole beautiful moment on film.


As the title of the video states, this is one of the best (non-official) United States Marine Corps promotions ever. Yet, it all happened completely naturally. It’s the only video ever posted on Crystal Carpenter, the wife/mama’s YouTube channel.

She must be so proud of her husband and little family. We would like to thank them for their sacrifices and service. We are so glad that they chose to share this special ceremony with us.

Check out the incredibly sweet moment of the Marine Corps promotion ceremony below!
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