This young boy only sings old songs

Reggie travels all over the country to spread the joy of music to whoever he meets. He sets up in public places with his guitar and asks passersby to sing with him for free.

In Sarasota, Florida, Reggie encounters a young boy named Finn who is excited to sing with him. Finn explains that he has been taking voice lessons and loves to sing.

When Reggie asks Finn who his favorite singers are, the boy answers with some golden oldies such as Elton John, Bill Withers, and John Batiste. The pair decide to sing “Lean on Me” together.

Reggie and Finn make a great team. The opportunity to sing for others to hear is a dream come true for young. When they finish, Finn waves goodbye to his new friend.



Reggie’s next singing partner is an older gentleman named Jack. They sing Otis Redding’s “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay” together. Jack’s family is eager to go, but Jack wants to stay for another song.

He introduces Reggie to his favorite singer Merle Haggard. Reggie plays guitar while Jack performs a heartfelt rendition of “Sing Me Back Home.” Afterward, Jack tells Reggie he feels like a million bucks.

Reggie loves having the opportunity to make someone’s day brighter through the gift of song. His love of music and desire to spread happiness and joy to those he meets is truly inspirational.

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