Little Boy Blames Batman After Making a Mess in Mother’s Room – It’s Adorable

Always be yourself, unless you can be a superhero. Then be one or even blame one. That’s what our toddler Noel did when caught red-handed. The Scottish charm didn’t blow his cover but threw batman under the bus.

Initially, we see the two-year-old leaning against a mirror filled with scribbles of future Picasso. The weapon of choice, his mother’s lipstick. Therefore, his mother put him under the spectacles asking, “Who drew on mommy’s mirror?”



Noel denies having any idea and moves away from his masterpiece. Glancing at the mirror, the tot answers, “Batman did it.” The impressive part, Noel hardly cracks a smile. He sticks to his lie without hesitation. Laura, the mother explains, his son has a fascination with superheroes, especially Hulk. Batman is his least favorite, so that’s probably why he got blamed.

The clip of adorable toddle pinning it on the crusaders went viral with over 400,000 views. Not only that, but the kid also appeared in a TV show, Little Big Shots. He was able to spread joy to the audience. What adorable mischief, don’t you think? Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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