2-year-old steals the internet’s heart with his hip-hop dance

Kids can be very talented, especially when it comes to physical activity. They have plenty of energy that allows them to go and go … and go! To fully realize their potential, though, kids need a good support system to nurture their abilities and help them grow.

Jayden even has his own Instagram account where he posts photos and videos of his dancing skills. His favorite dance type is hip hop, and with the support of his parents, he has honed his abilities to a high level, even at such a young age.

“For a child to fully realize their potential in any area of their interest, both natural abilities and the nurturing of these will play an integral part. It’s only when the gift has been identified that one can help further develop the talent by providing the right environment and ensuring the child gets the necessary support.”


And even as Jayden has gotten older, his skills have gotten better. In a video, posted on YouTube in 2013, Jayden is shown doing some cool hip-hop moves. Overall, the video has gotten over 5 million views since being posted and over 46,000 likes.

Like a well-trained pro, Jayden shows his skills in the video. He does some dance moves that rival even the best dancers. Holding nothing back, the young performer moves to a well-choreographed routine. Some of the amazing dance moves that Jayden pulled off included a somersault, followed by some fancy footwork.

By watching the video, it is hard to tell that he was only two years old when it was shot. He is that good, and his dedication to his dancing shows.

You can tell Jayden means business when he throws off his hat and finishes the routine with a flare. Dancing for over three minutes, Jayden remains focused throughout the entire routine, which is amazing for someone as young as he is in the video.


In addition to his natural talent, Jayden has his parents to thank for his talent. They have nurtured him through the years and helped make him the amazing dancer he is today.

For more of Jayden’s amazing dance moves, watch the video below.

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