People are obsessed with a preschooler’s classic Italian rant.

Everyone enjoys communicating, but the style of communication varies from person to person. Every culture has its own unique method of expressing itself. This is why the human population is so diverse.

Humans, in addition to speaking multiple languages, have distinct speaking styles that distinguish them. As a result, determining where a given person hails from is as simple as analyzing their speech and body language.

Italians, for example, speak with their hands a lot. One of the most distinguishing aspects, though, is the «finger purse.» It is a hand gesture in which the tips of the fingers and thumb are brought together to form a finger purse.

When expressing something passionately or underlining their point of view, Italians frequently use their hands rhythmically. It is commonly associated with elders, such as Italian grandpas and grandmas, and shows the person’s anger or confusion.



However, a preschooler recently participated in an unmistakably Italian dialogue with her mother. The adorable tiny one communicated using hand motions. For the English speakers, several Italian speakers interpreted the entire conversation.

The daughter told the mom that someone had asked her, “What sense does going out with a miniskirt make? Like, think of yourself! I can wear my miniskirt, and you mind your own business!”

The adorable conversation clearly shows how culture is passed on from generation to generation. While talking, it’s not necessary to “finger purse,” but most Italians do it anyway. The video’s most beautiful part was that the toddler’s Italian gestures were charming.

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