A single father adopts five brothers and sisters so as not to separate them: «I have devoted my whole life to underprivileged children»

Becoming a parent is not only a biological matter, there are those who can also take on this role through adoption, a very important gesture for children and young people who have not always been lucky, but to whom life does not refuse a second chance. Deciding to take such a step, however, is not within everyone’s reach: choosing to take care of people in difficulty is an act of great generosity and altruism, but also of courage.


This man knows it well, he who for about 20 years gave his life to help people in need, ending up taking care of more than 30 children. We tell you about him. Lamont Thomas is an American dad who became famous for his beautiful adoption story. It all started in 2000 and it hasn’t stopped since. When he became aware of the difficult situations in which certain little ones found themselves, he decided to give them the chance they were waiting for, by taking them out of the circle of foster homes.

For him, it has become a real mission, to the point of taking care of about thirty children in all, in addition to his two biological children. Single for a long time and while Anthony and LaMonica, the two children of his previous marriage, had grown up, he devoted himself body and soul to this noble cause. The first to be adopted were twins, the last five siblings.

Aged from 5 years to 12 months, these little ones made their way into his heart and encouraged him to yet another act of solidarity.


Zendaya, Jamel, Nakia, Major and Michaela stayed in four different homes for over a year and a half before seeing the light with the arrival of this brave man. Lamont absolutely didn’t want them growing up apart, so he got down to business and demanded that all five children be placed in his care before their adoption was made official. In this way, he managed to give them the same roof and the love that they needed.
«I had to help them, they deserved to grow together,» he said, and how to prove him wrong. But to fulfill such an important wish, you need a lot of stubbornness and not giving up. Sometimes the bureaucracy is long and not all situations are created equal, but he was able to resist and do something special. After several years and many children in his charge, he officially declares himself the father of twelve of them: ten adopted, including five younger brothers and sisters, and two born of his previous marriage.

There should always be more people in the world with such big hearts. These are the men and women who, thanks to their commitment, manage to give that smile that warms the heart and restores hope.

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